Susanne Eman wants to be the heaviest woman ever. The current record is 1,600 pounds. The 32 year old from Arizona ingests 20,000 calories a day in hopes to reach half her goal by December's end.

And then she plans to increase her caloric-intake. "I'd love to find out if it's humanly possible to reach a ton,’ she says. That isn't hyperbole. She really hopes to weigh 2000 pounds.

According to the Daily Mail online story, Susanne visits the supermarket once a month with her sons Gabriel, 16, and Brendin, 12, and spends up to eight hours filling six buggies. "It's like a full day's work," said Susanne, who uses a motorized scooter to navigate the store.

Suprisingly Susanne believes she can stay healthy. She adds, "The bigger I get, the better I feel. I feel more confident and sexy. Why shouldn't I push the limits and see how fat I can get and stay healthy?"
"Two years ago I hit 400 pounds because I was losing my battle against weight gain," she said. "I noticed I actually started attracting more men, and it made me feel good."

Susanne and her sister.
Susanne cannot work because of her weight, to stay active she says, "I go for a waddle and do stretches and exercises every day. My muscles need to hold up to my weight, so I have to stay strong. I take my blood pressure once a week, and every day, after I exercise, I take readings of my other vitals. I use a pulse oximeter to measure the concentration of oxygen in my blood stream. And I take my blood sugar levels just like a diabetic. If either of the readings go above a certain level, I'll immediately contact my doctor for advice. If I was to get sick, I've arranged for my sister to take care of my kids."
Susanne's daily 20,000 calorie plus diet...
Breakfast: 6 x eggs scrambled, cooked in butter 468 cals. 1/2 pound bacon 1,168 cals, 4 x potatoes as hash browns 672 cals, 6 x pieces toast with butter 600 cals, 32 ounce cream shake 1,160 cals. Snacking 1 x bag of animal cookies 1,950 cals, 2 liter bottle of soft drink 800 cals, 1 x 10.5 ounce bag of barbecue flavour crisps 1,650 cals, 3 x ham and cheese sandwiches 1,576 cals.
Lunch: 3 x beef, bean and green chilli burritos with 1 x cup of sour cream 1,453 cals. Salad (1 head lettuce, 1 cup cherry tomatoes, 1 cup carrots, 1 cucumber, 1/2 cup ranch dressing, bacon bits, 1 cup crumbled cheese, 1 cup chicken 1,479 cals.
Dinner: 12 x filled tacos + 1 x cup sour cream 4,906 cals, 2 liter bottle of soda 800 cals, Dessert 8 x scoops vanilla ice cream 2,080 cals, 1 x small pan of brownies 1,200 cals.
Total: 21,962 calories
There is so much wrong here. First let me address the majority of the commenters on the Daily Mail Online article thread. You're mean. You are hateful. And with very little exception, you revert to playground taunts and personal attacks to make your point, if you even have a point other than blatant disgust. This woman is desperate for love and attention. She is not psychologically deranged, she is pathologically unhappy. She fills the void in her heart with her drug of choice- food. Her self-abuse and waste is not ok, but please play nice.
Secondly, before I get to where I'm going, Susanne, darling.... There is huge difference between self acceptance and self delusion. You are beautiful, but the way you are made and the way you are making yourself are two very different things. Men may pay you more attention, may fettishize your weight but in the end you are killing yourself, you are destroying your children's chance at normalcy, you may very well be orphaning your lovely boys. Please, whatever it is that has broken your heart, bring it to the One who made you and let him fix it. You don't need to be waif-like and wiry to be beautiful but please, even if it means not getting noticed, do what's best for you and your kids. Or at least do what's right.
How do I explain this:

To him...

Or her...

In a world where there are 925 million undernourished people, where a child dies every 5 seconds because of hunger related complications, where there is no food shortage only a disproportionate distribution of that food, this type of excess is unforgivable. It is a slap in the face of every mother who couldn't make enough breast milk to feed her newborn because of her own malnutrition and had to watch that child starve. It is an affront to every child reduced to digging the town dump for food...

or begging for scraps...

Every year Americans alone spend 174 million dollars on obesity related medical conditions. This makes mockery of the half of the world without any access to medical care. The millions of children whose lives could be saved by simple anti-dehydration salts or a mosquito net. This is NOT OK!!!
Humanitarian groups spend much of their energies trying to solicit funding to do their humble work. They must stretch pennies into dollars and turn the most meager rations of rice and beans into miracles of sustenance. And it is often politicians that these groups must petition for funding, the same politicians that allow people with self imposed disabilities to milk the system for the money for their daily feast and the medical care to keep the health risks of gluttony at bay. What is wrong with us?!!?? And not to single out Susanne, her situation is barely unique, but this is freakin' ridiculous!!!
Before my brain explodes. Please support the amazing Megan Boudreaux as she and the good folks at Respire Haiti feed 700 children in Gressier, Haiti every week. You can donate directly for their food program here. From the bottom of my heart....Thank you! And for the people around Susanne that enable her, or have fed her delusions with disingenuous flattery or full fledged are endangering her life and may be making orphans of her children. You suck.
Susanne, you are loved. Praying for you tonight...Praying for us all...
ReplyDeleteYeah Rebecca....heart breaking...
ReplyDeleteBeautifully addressed.
ReplyDeleteI wanna be 2000 pounds
ReplyDeleteFirst let's get something straight..It is not the fault of fat people that half the world lives in poverty and struggles to find food. That is the fault of global socioeconomic inequity and the never ending political chaos that plagues the 3rd world. Often times the blame can be laid squarely on the shoulders of the corrupt governments ruling over those who are most in need. Suzanne Eman is not unique in her quest to be the fattest woman in the world. My wife has been trying for the past 9 years to do the same. She has gone from 400lbs to over 8oolbs. She hopes to reach 1,000lbs in the next year. How do you explain my gorgeous wife to the starving children of the world? There is no need to, just show them a picture of my wife and I garrentee they will want to be just like her. There will be no anomosity toward her and no self-righteous indignation on their part; only a desire to have as much food and to eat as much food as they can so they can become incredibly fat...This is human nature and nothing more. Only here in the land of plenty do we have the luxury of moralizing about what or how much we eat. I find these trite little blog posts rather annoying at times because they are written by the same people who think nothing of the waste we here in the western world produce on a daily basis regardless of our size or weight. It is simply more convenient, more satisfying to single out fat people and make them into a pariah so you can feel better about yourself.
ReplyDeleteBruh u need to get a divorce lol why would u marry a 400lb woman
DeleteWhy would I marry a 400lb woman...Maybe because I like large women. Maybe because that 400lb woman is gorgeous, intelligent, sexy, witty, charismatic and just an all around incredible human being...Maybe she is my soul mate because people are more than just their weight or outward appearance. Ever think of that; or is your little mind stuck on preconceived notions and stereotypes? Get out more and learn that there is a hell of a lot more to human attraction than the one dimensional horseshit that has been stuffed into yourittle head.
DeleteYou say people are more than just there weight and outward appearance but if your wife wasn't wouldn't love her, she's not your soul mate she's your fetish.
DeleteWhile it is true that I love large women it does not mean they are a fetish. It is a preference no different than any preference for any other physical type..The truth is I would love my wife if she was 100 pounds or 1000 pounds. Her size and weight is only part of my attraction to her. It's amazing how people like you have such a narrow view of the world and cannot concieve of anything outside your little social window. You are conditioned to believe in the typical canned concepts that drive the human condition and you never venture outside of the little box that society and culture corral you into..
Deletei wanna die