Friday, May 28, 2010

Fair warning. (part 3)

Ok. So Maybe I should just really sort out everything I want to say on a subject before posting....

just occurred to me what Jesus was telling the rich man when he told him to sell all his possessions. Earlier, in Matthew 13:44,45 Jesus told two parables. One about a hidden treasure and one about a pearl.

In the parable of the hidden treasure a man has unexpectedly found a hidden treasure. In his joy he sold all his possessions to buy the field it was in.

In the parable of the pearl, a merchant was looking for fine pearls and found one of great value. He went and sold all his possessions and bought it.

How had I never made the connection before....arghhh.

Nonetheless, and in spite of my obtuseness, in these two short parables, Jesus reveals His reasons and motives behind telling the rich man to sell all his possessions. Jesus wanted to be the man's joy. Jesus wanted to be the man's treasure. Jesus wanted to be wanted.




  1. I am waiting for part 4 :) Really though, you have some great insights, and wisdom too. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thanks Rebecca. Seems everywhere I turn the last couple weeks the stories of the rich man and of Zacchaeus are referenced. The world is dying for a gospel that is powerful enough to change their heart, but gentle enough not to break it. That's the gospel Jesus preached.
